Small plots of highly maintained turfs of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis
palustris cv. Penncross) and velvet bentgrass (Agrostis canina cv. Ki
ngstown) and a marginally maintained stand of annual bluegrass (Pea an
nua) were sampled intensively over a 15-month period to measure the po
pulations of spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) associated w
ith their root systems. Direct isolation of spores and trap cultures w
ere used to assess the AMF communities. Spores of more than 18 species
of AMF were isolated. The six dominant species (as measured by the ab
undance and frequency of occurrence of spores) were Acaulospora mellea
, an undescribed species of Acaulospora, Scutellospora calospora, Glom
us occultum, Glomus etunicatum, and Entrophospora infrequens. Spares o
f 17 species of AMF were recovered from the root zones of velvet bentg
rass, 15 species from creeping bentgrass, and 14 from annual bluegrass
. Soil fertility differed among the three sites, and it was not possib
le to ascribe differences in the AMF communities in each plot to any p
articular variable (e.g., host, pH, soil P). Average spore abundance w
as greatest in the creeping bentgrass plot (191.0 spores/100 mt), next
in the velvet bentgrass plot (82.4 spores/100 mt), and least in the b
luegrass plot (28.4 spores/100 mt). Spores were recovered from a signi
ficantly greater percentage of the samples from the bentgrass plots (8
8.5-96.8%) than from the bluegrass plot (76.6%). Spores of an average
of 4.5 species of AMF were isolated monthly from creeping bentgrass, 3
.3 from velvet bentgrass and 2.0 from bluegrass. Average species richn
ess and spore abundance were positively correlated in the creeping ben
tgrass and bluegrass plots (r = 0.77, p = 0.001, and r = 0.68, p = 0.0
06), but not in the velvet bentgrass plot. Spore abundance showed stro
ng seasonal trends in all three plots (p = 0.03-0.001), with numbers i
ncreasing from spring until November. Richness and abundance declined
from December until the following spring. In the bluegrass area, which
experienced summer drought, spore populations and richness also showe
d a precipitous decline in July and August in the Ist year of the stud
y (1990), but not in the 2nd year (1991). No such summer decline occur
red in the bentgrass plots that received irrigation. The AMF community
that was circumscribed by direct spore counts from the field usually
was highly dissimilar to the community that was estimated by trap cult
ures initiated using soil from the turf areas.