Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome in an adult

A. Matzdorff et al., Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome in an adult, DEUT MED WO, 125(6), 2000, pp. 147-150
Citations number
Categorie Soggetti
General & Internal Medicine","Medical Research General Topics
Year of publication
147 - 150
SICI code
History and admission findings: A 24-year-old man with thrombocytopenia was referred for surgical resection of a bleeding polyp of the sigmoid. Examin ation showed a small haematoma and petechiae on both lower legs. The patien t reported that several male family members also had a thrombocytopenic ble eding tendency. Investigations: Laboratory tests revealed thrombocytopenia (4000 platelets/ ml, with small platelets: mean platelet volume [MPV] 5.6 mi). Serum immunog lobulins were normal. A mutation in the Wisskott-Aldrich (W-A) protein gene (intron 7+5 G-->A) was demonstrated both in the patient and his 26-year-ol d brother. Diagnosis, treatment and course: The diagnosis of W-A syndrome was made and , with perioperative administration of platelets, the polyp was resected wi thout complication. Conclusion: Most patients with the W-A syndrome die by the time they are ag ed 10 years, unless appropriate treatment is given. This patient and his br other had a mutation of the W-A protein gene that unusually was in an intro n rather than in an exon. Structurally normal W-A proteins were still being formed. This may explain the mild course and late onset of the disease.