There are few reports about the effect of fetal or transitional circulation
on the pulmonary venous flow. The purposes of this study were to investiga
te flow patterns of the pulmonary vein serially from fetal to neonatal peri
od and to determine the relationship between pulmonary venous flow and othe
r parameters from aortic and mitral valve. Pulmonary venous flow velocity w
as analyzed in 21 normal term human fetuses. Postnatal follow-up studies we
re performed at 1, 6, 24 h, 3 days, I week and 1 month. In each time point,
pulsed Doppler echocardiography was used to interrogate right upper pulmon
ary vein, mitral and aortic valve. The measured parameters of pulmonary vei
n were heart rate, velocity time integral (VTI), and velocities at systolic
peak (S), at diastolic peak (D), at nadir between S and D (O), and at nadi
r between D and the next S (X). E/A ratio and VTI were measured for mitral
valve and peak systolic velocity and VTI for aortic valve. Pulmonary venous
flow in fetus was phasic and continuous with low velocity. One hour after
birth, without a change of flow pattern, all Velocities increased dramatica
lly. These high velocities showed a significant decrease during 24 h after
birth. Three days after birth, the velocity decreased slightly and flow pat
tern changed from continuous to interrupted pattern with or without atrial
reversal. No Doppler parameters from aortic or mitral valve showed any corr
elation with parameters from pulmonary vein. In conclusion, the flow patter
n of the pulmonary vein in fetus may result from low pulmonary flow and dec
reased capacitance of the pulmonary venous system. Sudden increase in the p
ulmonary flaw after birth is likely to be responsible for the highest veloc
ities recorded immediately after birth. Left to right shunt through the duc
tus arteriosus may also contribute to the Row pattern observed in the first
several days, as do changes in reservoir function of the pulmonary vein. (
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