Methods of mete-analysis, decision analysis, and cost-effectiveness analysi
s were applied to the adrenal incidentaloma dilemma. It was shown that the
life expectancy of patients with adrenal incidentalomas is decreased by a m
ean of about 1 year if left undiagnosed and untreated-more in cases of larg
er incidentalomas. Overall, selective analysis of adrenomedullary hormonal
function (by urinary metanephrines) is the most cost-effective strategy. Ot
her strategies, such as more extensive hormonal testing, imaging, and fine
needle aspiration cytology may Provide better cost-effectiveness in subgrou
ps of patients, identified by signs, symptoms, and incidentaloma morphology
. Full adrenal hormonal analysis is indicated in patients with larger (grea
ter than or equal to 6 cm) incidentalomas and if the combination of hyperte
nsion and hypokalemia suggests Conn's disease. Small or medium-sized adrena
l incidentalomas may be ignored if MR imaging or other tests suggest benign
pheochromocytoma disorder, or patients are elderly, or both.