Adrenal masses are discoved incidentally in 1 to 3% of abdominal CT scans p
erformed for investigation of nonadrenal-related abdominal complaints. Alth
ough most incidentally discoved masses are clinically silent, 10% are hormo
ne-secreting and are associated with subtle symptoms of hormone excess. The
major concern is the possibility that such a mass is malignant and require
s surgical intervention. Benign adrenal cortical adenomas are 60 times more
common than primary adrenal cortical carcinomas, which are rare, and many
of the lesions that are malignant are metastatic from extra-adrenal neoplas
ms. Size is a significant factor in determining the probability that the le
sion is benign or malignant, and there is concensus that most benign lesion
s are smaller than 3 cm, whereas most malignant lesions are larger than 6 c
m. Uncertainty remains, however, as to the potential malignant character of
masses measuring 3 to 6 cm; thus, size alone is insufficient for determini
ng if an incidentally-found adrenal mass is benign or malignant, and inform
ation obtained from other diagnostic techniques, such as CT, MR imaging, an
d adrenal scintigraphy with I-131 6 beta-iodomethylnorcholesterol, should b
e considered. Fine needle biopsy of an adrenal mass is not recommended unle
ss there is strong suspicion that the mass is metastatic from an extra-adre
nal neoplasm.