The present work deals with the flow behaviour sf concentrated suspensions
prepared with a calcium carbonate powder; moreover, the influence of the ad
dition of some dispersing agents employed for maximising the solid loading
of the suspension has been investigated. Two commercial deflocculants were
used: a sodium polyphosphate and a sodium polyacrylate. Calcium carbonate a
queous suspensions were prepared at various solid volume fractions (0.31 to
0.53). Rheological tests were carried out at 25+/-0.1 degrees C by using t
he rate controlled coaxial cylinder viscometer Rotovisko-Haake 20, system M
5-osc., measuring device MV1P with serrated surfaces. The tests were perfor
med under both continuous and oscillatory now conditions. All the suspensio
ns prepared without deflocculant show a rheological behaviour of the sheart
hinning type; good correlations between relative viscosity and shear rate d
ata were found by applying the Quemada model. The application of rheologica
l techniques permitted to evaluate the efficiency of the dispersing agents
employed. The sodium polyacrylate proved to be more effective than the sodi
um polyphosphate for the calcium carbonate slurries investigated; the highe
r efficiency of polyacrylate can be explained based on its polymeric nature