Non-erodible or "hard" bottoms are encountered on beaches along many coasts
and are often considered a valuable environmental resource that must be pr
otected. Hard bottoms can consist of natural materials such as limestone, c
oral, shell, worm rock, sedimentary rock, and clay, as well as anthropogeni
c materials such as rip rap. A hard bottom may be covered or uncovered by s
and at various times during a storm, and it imposes a constraint on the san
d transport rate. In this study, the SBEACH numerical model was modified to
allow calculation of the response to storm waves and change in water level
of a sand beach profile with arbitrary configurations of hard bottom. Pred
ictions of the model were compared with one data set from a large wave tank
and with several data sets from mid-scale physical model runs. The modifie
d SBEACH model performed well both qualitatively and quantitatively in repr
oducing the resultant beach profile change in the presence of hard bottom f
or both monochromatic and random waves. A "scour attenuation coefficient" w
as introduced to limit unreasonable scour adjacent to vertical or near-vert
ical side walls of a hard bottom. To numerically simulate the mid-scale phy
sical model runs, a scaling analysis was performed to determine the appropr
iate values of empirical coefficients in the numerical model. The dimension
less fall speed parameter emerged as the scaling law governing storm-induce
d beach profile change. Success in numerically simulating the beach-profile
change measured in the mid-scale runs provides indirect evidence of the ap
propriateness of the governing equations of SBEACH in representing the sali
ent physics of storm-induced beach erosion.