Barrier islands of the Pacific coast of Colombia repeatedly experience seve
re washover even when breaking waves in the eastern Pacific are low and ons
hore winds are calm. On the barrier island of El Choncho, recent non-storm
washover events have breached a new inlet, caused rapid beach retreat, dest
royed a shoreline protection structure, and flooded a small village of indi
genous people so Frequently that it had to be relocated. Barrier washover m
ay be augmented by lowered land elevations associated with earthquake-induc
ed subsidence or long-term beach retreat, but temporally it is most closely
associated with a 20 to 30 cm regional increase in sea level caused by El
Nino. The contradiction of a tranquil tropical island scene simultaneously
disturbed by hostile turbulent washover may be unique at present, but it ex
emplifies how coastal plains throughout the world would be affected if sea
level were to rise rapidly as a result of global warming.