The nonindigenous Eurasian Collared-Dove (Streptopelia decaocto) most likel
y invaded southeastern Florida from the Bahamas in the early 1980s and had
established a breeding population in Dade County by 1982, In the decade aft
er its arrival in Florida, the Eurasian Collared-Dove dispersed northward,
initially along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, and established local populat
ions throughout the state. By 1996, the species was recorded at 46 (82%) of
56 localities surveyed on the Christmas Bird Count in Florida. The strong
dispersal capability of the Eurasian Collared-Dove, which was documented du
ring its colonization of Europe in the mid-1900s, suggests that rapid colon
ization of North America by the species is highly probable. Populations est
ablished in Texas and North Carolina during the early 1990s may be products
of dispersal of doves from Florida. The species presents two potential bio
logical threats to native avifauna: competition for resources and transmiss
ion of diseases.