After determining at an early stage of the project that the future land use
of this New Jersey chemical manufacturing site remain industrial in nature
, the site was zoned according to risk. The chemicals of concern (COCs) at
the site included relatively low levels of mono- and polynuclear aromatic h
ydrocarbons, chlorinated aliphatics, as well as other volatile and semivola
tile compounds. Direct human exposure scenarios were the key to the mitigat
ion of risks related to soils because the groundwater migration pathway was
already interrupted using groundwater recovery. A focused remedial strateg
y was developed to ensure that the exposure pathways (inhalation, ingestion
, and dermal contact) are alleviated and the remedial measures are protecti
ve to the workers operating and/or maintaining the site. The risk evaluatio
n process included a preliminary risk assessment (Tier 1) based on a compar
ison with pertinent soil cleanup criteria, a prioritization analysis to ran
k zones, chemicals and pathways of concern, and an application of the Risk
Based Corrective Action (RBCA) approach (Tier 2) for construction worker ex
posure scenario. The risk assessment identified selected areas that would b
enefit from remedial actions. Prioritization Analysis classified the site i
nto five high-priority (comprising 97% of the total health-biased risk), th
ree medium-priority (contributing to remaining 2 to 3% of the risk), and ad
equately protected areas. The boundaries and volumes of affected areas were
delineated based on confirmatory soil sampling sind statistical analyses.
The remedial technologies selected for the site have achieved appropriate r
eduction in risk to comply with all State regulations and include (in addit
ion to the institutional controls):
Capping the site where only immobile semivolatile contaminants are present
Excavation and on-site treatment of the soils impacted by volatile organic
compounds through ex situ low temperature desorption, or alternative "biopi
le" treatment and natural attenuation, and
Excavation and off-site disposal of limited volumes of soils
This risk-based, integral approach helped identify the real significance of
contamination present at the site and facilitated the development of suita
ble and adequate remedies. Had not if been for this approach, the mere comp
arison with soil cleanup criteria would have unnecessarily resulted in deno
ting all areas as nuisance contributors, and thus requiring some actions. N
ew Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) has approved this
approach and contributed to its accomplishment.