In humans, masking by harmonic complexes is dependent not only on the frequ
ency content of the masker, but also its phase spectrum. Complexes that hav
e highly modulated temporal waveforms due to the selection of their compone
nt phases usually provide less masking than those with flatter temporal env
elopes. Moreover, harmonic complexes that are created with negative Schroed
er phases (component phases monotonically decreasing with increasing harmon
ic frequency) may provide more masking than those created with positive Sch
roeder phases (monotonically increasing phase), even though both temporal e
nvelopes are equally flat. To date, there has been little comparative work
on the masking effectiveness of harmonic complexes. Using operant condition
ing and the method of constant stimuli, masking of pure tones by harmonic c
omplexes was examined in budgerigars at several different masker levels for
complexes constructed with two different fundamental frequencies. In contr
ast to humans, thresholds in budgerigars differed very little for the two S
chroeder-phase waveforms. Moreover, when there was a difference in masking
by these two waveforms, the positive Schroeder was the more effective maske
r-the reverse of that described for humans. Control experiments showed that
phase selection was relevant to the masking ability of harmonic complexes
in budgerigars. Release from masking occurred when the components were in c
oherent phase, compared with a complex with random phases selected for each
component. It is suggested that these psychoacoustic differences may emerg
e from structural and functional differences between the avian and mammalia
n peripheral auditory systems involving traveling wave mechanics and spectr
al tuning characteristics. (C) 2000 Acoustical Society of America. [S0001-4