In spinel-phase ferrimagnets, disorder in the cation distribution between o
ctahedral and tetrahedral sites can influence such fundamental magnetic pro
perties as saturation magnetization, exchange coupling, and ferrimagnetic o
rdering temperatures. Given the sensitivity of magnetic properties to struc
ture, it has been suggested that magnetic properties may be used as a probe
of disorder in ferrimagnetic spinels. In this article, we review the funda
mentals of the magnetic properties of spinel ferrites, including the intere
sting manifestation of noncollinear spin structures in Yafet-Kittel triangu
lar spin configurations. This is followed by description of some experiment
al observations on the structure and magnetic properties of (MnxAl1-x)(3)O-
4 spinels and hausmannites, which exhibit Yafet-Kittel-type ordering in the
ir spin structures.