The tensile creep rate of most commercial grades of Si3N4 increases strongl
y with stress. Although the usual power-law functions can represent the cre
ep data, the data often show curvature and systematic variations of slope w
ith temperature and stress. In this article, we present a new approach to u
nderstanding the creep of ceramics, such as Si3N4, where a deformable secon
d phase bonds a deformation-resistant major phase. A review of experimental
data suggests that the rate of formation and growth of cavities in the sec
ond phase controls creep in these materials. The critical step for deformat
ion is the redistribution of the second phase away from the cavitation site
to the surrounding volume. The effective viscosity of the second phase and
the density of active cavities determine the creep rate. Assuming that the
hydrostatic stresses in pockets of the second phase are normally distribut
ed leads to a model that accurately describes the tensile creep rate of gra
des of Si3N4, In this model, the creep rate increases exponentially with th
e applied stress, is independent of Si3N4 grain size, is inversely proporti
onal to the effective viscosity of the deformable phase, and is proportiona
l to the cube of the volume fraction of the deformable phase.