The influence of permeation flux J and wall shear stress tau(w), on perform
ances of the nanofiltration of concentrated sweet whey at volume reduction
ratio 2, 18 degrees C and using organic membranes was studied. It was concl
uded that sweet whey nanofiltration could be optimised through the paramete
r J/tau(w), since J and tau(w) act together in a competing mechanism of con
vection/erosion at the membrane surface, that governs membrane fouling and
selectivity. Hence, the overall fouling. was strongly dependent on the rati
o J/tau(w), with a critical J/tau(w), value of approximately 6.0. When J/ta
u(w) < 6.0, the total membrane fouling was relatively low and almost indepe
ndent on operating conditions. For higher ratios of J/tau(w), there was a s
pectacular increase in fouling and a very strong dependence between the fou
ling index and J/tau(w). Simultaneously, selectivity was altered under thes
e conditions, with higher retention of monovalent ions and lower retention
of lactose. Finally, optimal hydrodynamic conditions were defined in the ra
nge 3-6. Under these conditions, longer operating times, lower chemical oxy
gen demand in permeate and higher demineralization could be expected at low
er processing costs.