Evaluated the Hopelessness Depression Symptom Questionnaire (HDSQ; Met
alsky & Joiner 1991). The HDSQ is a 32-item self-report measure of eig
ht symptoms posited by L. Abramson, G. Metalsky, and L. Alloy (1989) t
o comprise a specific subtype of depression-hopelessness depression. F
actor analytic results from 435 subjects suggested that: (a) Each of t
he eight subscales of the HDSQ reflects a distinct symptom of hopeless
ness depression; and (b) The eight subscales, taken together, reflect
one higher-order construct-Hopelessness Depression Symptoms. Diathesis
-stress results from a subset of 174 subjects indicated that the attri
butional diathesis x stress interaction predicted onset of hopelessnes
s depression symptoms on the HDSQ but nor nonhopelessness depression s
ymptoms. The HDSQ should allow for recision in tests of the hopelessne
ss theory of depression.