Background: third generation beta blockers have an intrinsic simpatico-mime
tic activity and are cardioselective. Therefore, they should not have adver
se bronchial effects and could even have a slight bronchodilator activity.
Aim: To test the efficacy and safety of celiprolol in hypertensive patients
with chronic obstructive lung disease. Patients and methods: Uncomplicated
hypertensive patients with chronic obstructive lung disease received celip
rolol during 12 weeks. they were subjected to monthly clinical assessment a
nd ventilatory function was measured on the basal period and at the end of
the trial. Results ; During the study period, blood pressure fell significa
ntly from 179+/-6/112+/-8 to 161+/-4, 7/98+/-1.6 mmHg. No changes were obse
rved in forced expiratory volume in 1 s or in forced expiratory flow betwee
n 25 and 75% of the vital capacity the trial. Conclusions: No changes in ve
ntilatory function were observed in these patients with chronic obstructive
lung disease, treated with celiprolol during 12 weeks.