Only a limited number of studies have been conducted on the root growth of
asparagus. Soil cores from six sample depths (0.15, 0.3, 0.45, 0.6, 0.75, a
nd 0.9 m) in two tillage systems (till and no-till) were separated into fib
rous (Fi) and fleshy (F1) roots and root length density (RLD) determined. H
arvest dates for roots began on 22 March and continued at three-week interv
als until 8 November. Since analysis of variance was unable to identify sig
nificant tillage system by harvest date by sample depth interaction, the da
ta were re-analyzed using the additive main effects and multiplicative inte
ractions (AMMI) statistical model. AMMI identified significant interactions
between tillage dates (tillage systems by harvest dates) and sample depth
for Fi-RLD and F1-RLD. Fi- and F1-RLD increased in all depths before spear
harvest in March and April, decreased during the spear harvest period of Ma
y to June, then increased after fern establishment in July before declining
late in the growing season. Regardless of sample depth or harvest date, RL
D for fibrous and fleshy roots were greater in no-till than till. RLD were
greatest in the 0.3 and 0.45 m depths and tended to decrease as depth incre
ased for both tillage systems. In general, RLD were greater for fibrous com
pared to fleshy roots in all depths. A better understanding of the changes
in root growth may be useful for improving asparagus yields through better
crop management. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.