Inverse Duane's retraction syndrome is very uncommon. Congenital cases are
even more unusual. A 6-year-old girl with convergent squint along with seve
re restriction on abduction is described. On attempted abduction, a narrowi
ng of the palpebral fissure, upshoot and retraction of the eyeball were obs
erved. Brain and orbit: MRI demonstrated no intracranial or intraorbit al m
ass, fracture, or entrapment of the medial rectus. Forced duction test was
strongly positive. The primary lesion was found to be a tight medial rectus
with shortening and soft tissue contracture. Surgical tenotomy of the medi
al rectus led to successful postoperative motility, but some limitation at
full adduct-ion and abduction persisted. This is a case reported with conge
nital medial rectus shortening, suggesting that this condition may be one o
f the etiologies of the rare inverse Duane's retraction syndrome.