Pretruncal (perimesencephalic) nonaneurysmal hemorrhage is a benign form of
subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Angiographic changes of vasospasm are uncom
mon in patients with this type of hemorrhage, and if vasospasm is present,
it is mild and focal. We report two patients with pretruncal nonaneurysmal
SAH who developed severe and diffuse vasospasm, expanding the clinical spec
trum of this type of SAH, The first patient was a 40-year-old woman who suf
fered pretruncal nonaneurysmal SAH, Angiography performed on the seventh da
y post hemorrhage showed diffuse and severe vasospasm affecting both the an
terior and the posterior circulation, The patient was treated with hypervol
emia, and she remained asymptomatic. Follow-up angiography showed resolutio
n of the vasospasm. The second patient was a 67-year-old woman who suffered
pretruncal nonaneurysmal SAH, The results of the initial angiography were
normal. Repeat angiography on the ninth day post hemorrhage showed severe v
asospasm in the anterior circulation and moderate vasospasm in the posterio
r circulation. Nine hours later, the patient developed transient dysphasia,
and she was treated with hypervolemia, Three days later, a transcranial Do
ppler examination showed normalization of blood velocities. The presence of
diffuse and severe vasospasm does not exclude a diagnosis of pretruncal no
naneurysmal SAH.