We hypothesized that excessive sympathoactivation observed during strenuous
exercise in subjects with heart failure (HF) may result from tonic activat
ion of the muscle metaboreflex (MMR) via hypoperfusion of active skeletal m
uscle. We studied MMR responses in dogs during treadmill exercise by graded
reduction of terminal aortic blood flow (TAQ) before and after induction o
f HF by rapid ventricular pacing. At a low workload, in both control and HF
experiments, large decreases in TAQ were required to elicit the MMR presse
r response. During control experiments, this presser response resulted from
increased cardiac output (CO), whereas in HF CO did not increase; thus the
presser response was solely due to peripheral vasoconstriction. In HF, MMR
activation also induced higher plasma levels of vasopressin, norepinephrin
e (NE), and renin. At a higher workload, in control experiments any reducti
on of TAQ elicited MMR presser responses. In HF, before any vascular occlus
ion, TAQ was already below MMR control threshold levels and reductions in T
AQ again did not result in higher CO; thus SAP increased via peripheral vas
oconstriction. NE rose markedly, indicating intense sympathetic activation.
We conclude that in HF, the MMR is likely tonically active at moderate wor
kloads and contributes to the tonic sympathoactivation.