Oregon has legalized and implemented physician-assisted suicide, while obse
rvers argue about the moral import of attempting to formulate guidelines; t
he utility any set of guidelines can have for physician practice, health ca
re providers, patients, or families; and whether guidelines can really prot
ect against harm or abuse. What were once theoretical questions have taken
on new urgency.
The debate over the value and power of guidelines includes the following qu
estions: What has been the experience of efforts to implement physician-ass
isted suicide using consensus guidelines? What goals are guidelines intende
d to serve? Who should formulate guidelines? What features should be reflec
ted in any proposed guidelines to make them practical and to permit achieve
ment of their goals? Are there any fundamental obstacles to the creation or
implementation of guidelines', Is dying a process that is amenable to dire
ction under guidelines, be they issued by physicians, departments of health
, blue ribbon panels, or other regulatory bodies? This paper explores these
questions as physician-assisted suicide becomes legal.