This study evaluated the characteristics of transient evoked otoacoustic em
ission (TEOAE) time-frequency (TF) representations from normal and hearing-
impaired ears. Linear and non-linear TEOAE recordings from normally-hearing
subjects (40) and non-linear recordings from patients with sensorineural h
earing loss (SNHL) (40) were analysed using the short-time-Fourier-transfor
m spectrogram, the Gabor spectrogram, and the adaptive spectrogram. The TF
representations of the TEOAE recordings indicated a considerable dispersion
of energy across frequencies and TEOAE time segments >4.0 ms. The linear a
nd non-linear recordings from the normal subjects showed common frequency p
eaks. The TF representations from the patients with SNHL indicated that the
significantly reduced energy in the mid-to-high TEOAE frequencies did not
correlate closely with the threshold elevation. As in the recordings from t
he normal subjects, a high percentage of the TEOAE cumulative energy was fo
und within a short TEOAE segment (4-14 ms).