Motivation: IMGT, the international ImMunoGeneTics database (, created by M.-P. Lefranc, is an integrated database specializ
ing in antigen receptors (immunoglobulins and T-cell receptors) and major h
istocompatibility complex (MHC) of all vertebrate species. IMGT accurate im
munogenetics data ave based on the standardization of the biological knowle
dge provided by the 'ImMunoGeneTics' IMGT-ONTOLOGY.
The IMGT-ONTOLOGY describes the classification and specification of terms n
eeded for immunogenetics and bioinformatics. IMGT-ONTOLOGY covers four main
'. These concepts allow an extensive and standardized description and chara
cterization of immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor data. The controlled voca
bulary and the annotation rules ave indispensable to ensure accuracy, consi
stency and coherence in IMGT. IMGT-ONTOLOGY allows scientists and clinician
s to use, for the first time, identical terms with the same meaning in immu
nogenetics. It provides a semantic repository that will improve interoperab
ility between specialist and generalist databases.