DNA methylation, or the covalent addition of a methyl group to cytosine wit
hin the context of the CpG dinucleotide, has profound effects on the mammal
ian genome. These effects include transcriptional repression via inhibition
of transcription factor binding or the recruitment of methyl-binding prote
ins and their associated chromatin remodeling factors, X chromosome inactiv
ation, imprinting and the suppression of parasitic DNA sequences. DNA methy
lation is also essential for proper embryonic development; however, its pre
sence can add an additional burden to the genome. Normal methylation patter
ns are frequently disrupted in tumor cells with global hypomethylation acco
mpanying region-specific hypermethylation. When these hypermethylation even
ts occur within the promoter of a tumor suppressor gene they will silence t
he gene and provide the cell with a growth advantage in a manner akin to de
letions or mutations. Recent work indicating that DNA methylation is an imp
ortant player in both DNA repair and genome stability as well as the discov
ery of a new family of DNA methyltransferases makes now a very exciting per
iod for the methylation field. This review will highlight the major finding
s in the methylation field over the past 20 years then summarize the most i
mportant and interesting future directions the field is likely to take in t
he next millennium.