SCF-CNDO/2-CO method is used to study the Land structures and electronic pr
operties of one-dimensional polyphosphorus and polynitrogen chains (includi
ng; the corresponding protonated chains), The polyphosphorus chains are exp
ected to be semiconductors, but insulators for the polynitrogen chains, Thi
s prospect can not be changed by means of protonation for the corresponding
chains. Since the lowest unoccupied bandwidth (LUBW) is much wider than th
e highest occupied bandwidth (HOBW) for the polyphosphorus chain, the mobil
ity of electrons in LU band is much higher than that of holes in HO band, T
he conduction of the polyphosphorus chain should mainly depend on the condu
cting electrons in LU band. From a view of semiconductor materials, the pol
yphosphorus chain is favorable to form n-type semiconductor with doping of