Mr. Krone et al., Herpes simplex virus type 2 shedding in human immunodeficiency virus-negative men who have sex with men: Frequency, patterns, and risk factors, CLIN INF D, 30(2), 2000, pp. 261-267
We investigated the frequency, site, and risk factors for herpes simplex vi
rus (HSV) shedding in 30 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-negative HSV ty
pe 2 (HSV-2)-seropositive men who have sex with men. Subjects collected dai
ly HSV culture samples from genital, perianal, and oral areas for 100 days
and maintained diaries of signs and symptoms. Sixteen men (53.3%) shed HSV-
2, and 9 (56.3%) of 16 men who were also HSV type 1 (HSV-1)-seropositive sh
ed HSV-1, Overall, HSV-2 was isolated on 3.1% of the days; 68% of the isola
tions were on days that lesions did not occur. HSV-2 shedding was predomina
ntly perianal (83.3%). HSV-1 was isolated on 2.1% of the days; 23 of 24 HSV
-1 isolates were from oral areas. Rates of perianal or genital shedding wer
e 6.6% on the days that participants reported prodromal symptoms and 1.9% o
n the days that participants did not report prodromal symptoms (P < .001),
Men seropositive for both HSV-1 and HSV-2 were significantly more likely to
shed HSV-2 (odds ratio, 4.1; 95% confidence interval, 1.4-11.9) than were
HSV-2-seropositive men. HSV-2-seropositive men who have sex with men have f
requent subclinical HSV-2 shedding, usually from the perianal area, and mor
e frequent prodromal HSV-2 shedding.