Regularities of adsorption on a hydrophilic surface of calcium carbonate an
d at the surfactant solution-air interface from aqueous solutions of mixtur
es of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and p-tert-octylphenyl ether of
poy(ethylene glycol) (Triton X-100) are studied. In both cases, adsorption
of a surfactant mixture depends on the surfactant molar ratio in solution.
The surfactant mixture was shown to reveal the effect of synergism during
adsorption at the surfactant solution-air interface at low CTAB concentrati
ons. Within the entire studied concentration range, the adsorption of a sur
factant mixture on a solid surface seems to be less than the sum of the ads
orption values for individual surfactants, The lowest value of adsorption o
n a solid surface is observed at the surfactant ratio corresponding to the
point of maximum synergism with respect to micellization in solution and ma
ximum adsorption at the surfactant solution-air interface.