A common belief is that no-till systems with adequate fertility will improv
e soil quality over other tillage systems. The objectives of this study wer
e to determine if crop phase, tillage systems, and n rate in a long-term ro
tation affected soil chemical analyses in the surface 15 cm of soil and to
evaluate the trend in chemical analyses. To test this hypothesis, surface s
oil samples were taken from a long-term (30-year) cropping and tillage stud
y. This study was initiated in 1965 on a Harney silt loam soil in Central K
ansas with every phase of the wheat-sorghum-fallow (WDF) rotation included
each year. Tillage systems included clear-till (CT), reduced-till (RT), and
no-till (NT). In 1975, four nitrogen (N) rates (0, 22, 45, 67 kg N ha(-1))
were incorporated by subdividing the tillage plots. Topdressed N, as ammon
ium nitrate, was the only fertilizer added throughout the duration of the s
tudy. Soil samples were taken at depths of 0 to 7.5 and 7.5 to 15 cm in all
plots in 1965 and in 1995. In 1998, soils on 1997 sorghum plots were sampl
es in 2.5-cm increments to 15 cm. Samples from all dates were analyzed for
pH, available phosphorus (AP), and organic matter (OM), and deviations from
the controls from 1965 to 1995 were assessed by subtracting 1995 results f
rom 1965 results. The change in soil pH showed a crop phase by sample depth
interaction. In the wheat phase, pH in the top 7.5 cm increased by 0.19 an
d increased by 0.28 in the 7.5-15 cm layer. In the fallow phase, pH increas
ed by 0.04 and 0.35 in the top 7.5 cm and 7.5-15 cm layers, respectively. T
he pH change for sorghum was intermediate for both depths. The increase in
overall pH from 1965 to 1995 was unexpected and contrary to normal expectat
ions of a decrease over time. Soil OM was not changed significantly over th
e 30 years of the study, suggesting that OM buildup or depletion is very sl
ow under this cropping system on a nearly level soil with minimal soil eros
ion. Increasing the rate of N application significantly reduced pH in the u
pper increment samples, but had little effect on pH below 10 cm. The NT sys
tem had the lowest surface increment in pH, but differences among tillage s
ystems were minimal below 7.6 cm. The AP was highest for NT in the surface
increment, but for CT at deeper depths. Likewise, OM was highest for NT in
the 2.5 cm increment and the CT at deeper increments. Under the present N m
anagement, pH may reach levels where herbicide effectiveness and phosphorus
availability could be affected adversely. Deep tillage by one-way or mold-
board plowing might be an interim solution to raise the pH before liming is
implemented or P fertilizer is added to maintain adequate AP throughout th
e top 15 cm. Nitrogen management may need to be changed to some form of ban
d-type placement to reduce the total N applied. Under the conditions of thi
s study (WSF, reduced tillage, and 57 cm annual precipitation), soil OM inc
reased very slowly.