Cell suspensions of marine phytoplankton Dunaliella tertiolecta in 0.1 M Na
Cl solution are proposed as a suitable model monodispersed system (particle
diameter 6-10 mu m) for the calibration of electrochemical response in nat
ural aquatic samples containing organic surface-active particles. The elect
rochemical analysis is performed by direct recording of chronoamperometric
curves of oxygen reduction in suspensions using a fast dropping mercury ele
ctrode. The electrode acts as adhesion sensor. The adhesion of individual s
urface-active particles suspended in natural seawater, analogously to Dunal
iella tertiolecta cells in model suspensions, results in well resolved atta
chment signals in amperometric curves. The calibration curve presents depen
dence of attachment frequency on cell densities in the concentration range
10(6) to 2.5 x 10(7) particles L-1 and it can be used for the determination
of particle abundance in a seawater sample. The advantage of the electroch
emical approach over more conventional methodologies for particle analysis
is discussed.