As applied to the behavior of homeowners with mortgages, option theory pred
icts that mortgage prepayment or default will be exercised if the call or p
ut option is "in the money" by same specific amount. Our analysis: tests th
e extent to which the option approach can explain default and prepayment be
havior; evaluates the practical importance of modeling both options simulta
neously; and models the unobserved heterogeneity of borrowers in the home m
ortgage market. The paper presents a unified model of the competing risks o
f mortgage termination by prepayment and default, considering the two hazar
ds as dependent competing risks that are estimated jointly. It also account
s for the unobserved heterogeneity among borrowers, and estimates the unobs
erved heterogeneity simultaneously with the parameters and baseline hazards
associated with prepayment and default Functions.
Our results show that the option model, in its most straightforward version
, does a good job of explaining default and prepayment, but it is not enoug
h by itself. The simultaneity of the options is very important empirically
in explaining behavior. The results also show that there exists significant
heterogeneity among mortgage borrowers. Ignoring this heterogeneity result
s in serious errors in estimating the prepayment behavior of homeowners.