A critical analysis of the large number of papers about the seismic behavio
ur of asymmetric buildings shows some concordant results: the modal analysi
s correctly predicts their elastic dynamic response to seismic records, whi
le it overestimates deck rotation in the inelastic range. On this basis, th
e authors propose to design asymmetric structures by twice repeating the mo
dal analysis: the first one with the actual mass distribution, so as to cov
er the elastic behaviour; the second one by considering the centre of mass
displaced towards the centre of rigidity by a design eccentricity, so as to
fit the inelastic response. In order to assess a formulation for the desig
n eccentricity that reduces the maximum ductility demand, the paper statist
ically analyses the inelastic response of an idealised one storey building,
symmetric about one direction, to different sets of accelerograms (both na
tural and artificial) and compares it to that of the corresponding balanced
building; the analysis is repeated many times, so as to evaluate the influ
ence of the different geometrical and mechanical parameters governing the i
nelastic response. The proposed approach and formulations prove to be effec
tive in evaluating the effects of asymmetry, thus providing a design criter
ion which limits the ductility demand of asymmetric schemes without relevan
t increments of structural costs. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights