The molecular weight of humic substances influences their proton and metal
binding, organic pollutant partitioning, adsorption onto minerals and activ
ated carbon, and behavior during water treatment. We propose a lognormal mo
del for the molecular weight distribution in aquatic fulvic acids to provid
e a conceptual framework for studying these size effects. The normal curve
mean and standard deviation are readily calculated from measured M-n and M-
w and vary from 2.7 to 3 for the means and from 0.28 to 0.37 for the standa
rd deviations for typical aquatic fulvic acids. The model is consistent wit
h several types of molecular weight data, including the shapes of high-pres
sure size-exclusion chromatography (HP-SEC) peaks. Applications of the mode
l to electrostatic interactions, pollutant solubilization, and adsorption a
re explored in illustrative calculations.