Background: Previous open-label trials have shown iron to be efficacious in
the treatment of restless legs syndrome. We performed a randomized, double
-blind, placebo-controlled trial of iron sulfate. Methods: Twenty eight pat
ients were randomized to receive either ferrous sulfate 325 mg b.i.d. or pl
acebo for 12 weeks. The primary outcome measure was the dichotomous variabl
e of improvement or no improvement in average quality of sleep as recorded
by a visual analog scale nightly over a 2-week period, comparing a pretreat
ment 2-week baseline to weeks 13-14, Secondary outcome measures included a
comparison of the qualify of sleep as measured by a visual analog scale, ef
fect of restless legs syndrome on life as a whole as measured by a differen
t visual analog scale, and the percentage of nights patients were symptomat
ic. Results: No significant differences were noted between iron and placebo
groups for both primary and secondary outcome measures. Responders taking
iron did have a significant increase in their iron saturation compared to n
onresponders taking iron. Conclusions: Iron sulfate does not appear to be a
n effective empiric treatment for restless legs syndrome. Copyright (C) 200
0 S. Karger AG, Basel.