People with diabetes are prone to develop peripheral vascular and nerve abn
ormalities which, in extreme cases, can lead to limb amputations. Although
numerous theories have been advanced for these complications, no firm expla
nation is yet available. Recently, evidence has appeared suggesting that th
ese vascular and nerve abnormalities may involve transition metals; adminis
tration of chelators such as desferrioxamine has been shown to prevent or a
ctually reverse slowed peripheral nerve conduction and neuronal blood flow,
as well as impaired endothelium-dependent arterial relaxation. Here, we ar
gue that (i) the heavily glycated proteins known to accumulate in people wi
th diabetes gain an increased affinity for transition metals such as iron a
nd copper, (ii) as a result, proteins such as elastin and collagen within t
he arterial wall-which are known to be particularly heavily glycosylated in
diabetes-may accumulate bound metal, especially copper, (iii) the bound me
tal causes the catalytic destruction of endothelium derived relaxing factor
(nitric oxide or a derivative thereon, thereby engendering a state of chro
nic vasoconstriction. The resulting impairment of blood flow to peripheral
nerves restricts the delivery of oxygen and nutrients and, in extremis, ner
ve death eventuates. If this hypothesis is proved correct, there are import
ant implications for the development of novel pharmaceuticals for the treat
ment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Inc.