The block structure of the Kamchatka Peninsula has been analyzed at differe
nt hierarchical levels. Structurally concordant block models for the region
have been constructed with the help of our own technique based on the disc
retely hierarchical block model for the Earth's crust proposed by Academici
an M. A. Sadovskii.
Reliability of the obtained structural model is confirmed by comparison wit
h literature data. It is shown that the active volcanoes, ore deposits, and
hydrothermal sources occur near the interblock boundaries of certain rank.
It is shown that the ring structures are principally ranked hierarchically
. As for the linear features of the Earth's crust, the ratio between typica
l sizes of ring structures that pertain to neighbor intervals of the series
corresponds to Sadovskii's model and approxamately equals three.
Regularities of the mutual disposition of linear and ring structures have b
een established. Analysis of the proposed block models suggests that the ri
ng morphostructures are related to tectonic cluster zones formed by interse
ction of interblock boundaries. The centers of ring morphostructures occur
on one of the intersecting faults (crossing) and are shifted along it the r
adius apart from the other (tangential) fault.
These regularities seem to be of genetic nature and are due to specific fea
tures of the deformation of a block-hierarchical medium. A particular defor
mation mechanism leading to such structures remains to be developed, but at
the present stage the established regularities may have an important pract
ical value, e.g., for recognizing sites of increased permeability of the Ea
rth's crust.