A superconducting magnet assembly has been built for an ECR (Electron Cyclo
tron Resonance) Ion source at the 88-inch cyclotron at LBL1. Three 34-cm ID
solenoids provide axial plasma confinement and a sextupole assembly in the
solenoid bore provides radial stability. Two large solenoids are spaced 50
cm. apart with a smaller opposing solenoid between. The sextupole assembly
is 92 cm long with winding inner diameter of 20 cm. and outer diameter of
27.2 cm. The design goal is to achieve a field on axis of 4 T and 3 T at th
e mirrors with 0.4 T between and a sextupole field of 2.0 T at 15-cm diamet
er in the confinement volume.
Each solenoid uses rectangular conductor with copper/SC ratio of 4; the thr
ee coils are wet-wound on a one-piece aluminum bobbin with aluminum banding
for radial support. The sextupole uses rectangular conductor with copper/S
C ratio of 3. Each of the 6 coils is wet-wound with filled epoxy on a metal
pole; the ends of the pole are aluminum and the central 34-cm is iron to a
ugment the sextupole field. The six coils are assembled on a 20-cm-OD stain
less steel tube with a 1.4-cm thick 30.0-cm OD aluminum tube over the assem
bly for structural support. Thin metal bladders are expanded azimuthally be
tween each coil and axially at the ends to pre-load the assembly. The sextu
pole assembly fits inside the solenoid bobbin, which provides support for t
he magnetic forces. The magnet exceeds design requirements with minimum tra