In frame of Se.C.R.E.T.S. international task Nb,Sn strands with 50 and 60 %
of Cu fraction have been produced and comparative research of their perfor
mance (Q, I-c, J(c), RRR, etc.) have been carried out. Strand design and pr
ocessing were identical. However, the decrease of Cu fraction value has inf
luenced on RRR value as well as Cr-plated and bare strands. By method of su
bsequent approximation the estimation of diffusion coefficients of Cr into
Cu by R275/R20 values of both strands have been carried out. These calculat
ions have shown that Nb3Sn strand after reaction at the standard regime (57
5 degrees C 150 h + 650 degrees C 200 h at 10(-5) Torr) characterized the v
alue of diffusion coefficient similar to 10(-12) cm(2)/s, that has led to C
r penetration into oxygen free Cu in not more than 40 mu m of depth. The ca
lculations of RRR integral value versus reaction time and Cu thickness have
also been done. The relation of diffusion coefficient and microstructure o
f Cu-stabilization has been discussed.