The LHC main dipoles will be connected in series by superconducting busbars
, consisting of a superconducting cable brazed onto a stabilizing copper pr
ofile. In case of a quench detection, protection heaters will be activated
to drive the magnet to theresistive state. In addition, the magnet will be
protected by a bypass diode. In order to limit quench propagation, the exci
tation current is ramped down at an initial rate of 113 A/s and with a time
constant equal to 104 s, When a busbar quenches, its temperature must stay
below safe values. Comparative measurements of a hollow and a solid busbar
were performed in 1.9 K superfluid helium, 4.2 K liquid helium and 4.2 K g
aseous helium during the current ramp down, We describe the experimental se
t-up and report the results. The development of temperatures, the quench pr
opagation velocities as well as the residual resistance ratio (RRR) were me
asured. The busbar stabilized by a solid copper profile was found to be the
most appropriate choice.