Three experimental facilities JUMBO, HOMER I, and MTA exist in the high fie
ld magnet group of the Institute for Technical Physics for investigations i
n high magnetic fields up to 20 T. All setups are based on advanced superco
nducting mae;nets. The facility Homer II is presently under construction in
order to achieve magnetic fields up to 25 T. Our current projects focus on
the development of solenoids for NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectrom
eters. Together with our industrial partner Bruker Analytik GmbH, we introd
uced in 1991 the world's first 750 MHz (17.6 T) and in 1995 the world's fir
st 800 MHz NMR spectrometer (18.8 T) on the market. At present a prototype
magnet system for a 900 MHz spectrometer (21.1 T) is in progress. To furthe
r improve the resolution of the NMR spectrometers, a national project for t
he development of a 1000 MHz spectrometer (23.5 T) has been started togethe
r with Bruker Analytik GmbH and Vacuum-schmelze GmbH.