In 1997 Danfoss Drives A/S and the Institute of Energy Technology at Aalbor
g University in Denmark started an initial four-year collaboration called "
The Danfoss Professor Program." The main goal of the program is to attract
more. students to the multidisciplinary area of power electronics and drive
s by offering a world-class curriculum taught by world-class teachers. Duri
ng the four years of the program distinguished professors will visit the un
iversity, giving advanced courses in their specialty areas and interacting
with postgraduate students, A new curriculum in power electronics and drive
s is also now being implemented at the university, based on courses develop
ed together with professors from the program. Another goal is to strengthen
the research team at the university In the area by fostering new contacts
and research areas. Finally, training and education of engineers in industr
y is a major aim of the program. After 2 1/2 yr, the Danfoss Professor Prog
ram has resulted in a significant increase in the number of students and re
search output of Aalborg University in the power electronics and drives are
a. It is beginning to be recognized world wide as a model of successful Ind
ustry/University collaboration. This paper describes the major goals, imple
mentation and an evaluation of the program.