New decoding procedures for real-number block codes which are constructed b
y imposing constraints in the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) domain are e
xamined, The codewords are corrupted by small levels of roundoff noise and
possibly occasionally by a few large excursions of random disturbances. The
error-correcting procedure is separated into two parts, large activity det
ection followed by error value estimation, particularly the larger errors.
The first part determines if large excursions are present, roughly identify
ing their locations, while the second part is a Wiener minimum mean-squared
error estimation technique providing a stochastic correction to the corrup
ted components. The activity-detecting part determines locations for large
increases in the Wiener estimator's gain. A computationally intensive Bayes
hypothesis testing approach is shown to be very effective at locating larg
e activity positions, but a more efficient modified Berlekamp-Massey algori
thm is developed which leads to excellent mean-squared error performance. E
xtensive simulations demonstrate individual codeword corrective actions and
compare the average mean-squared error performance between coded and unpro
tected data. The error level improvement ranges from three to four orders o
f magnitude.