Enterprise activities are intricate, as companies often produce multiple pr
oduct families which require a complex mixture of production modes. Modelli
ng techniques are commonly applied to expose the behaviour of an enterprise
and to investigate the feasibility of achieving business objectives Howeve
r, enterprise modelling can be a: slow process and models become invalid if
business objectives are changed, because their information content may be
overtaken by fast changing market conditions. The modelling process is acce
lerated if new models can use Part or all of the information from previous
models. This paper addresses these issues by introducing a reusable enterpr
ise model, called a factory data model (FDM). It has been implemented using
an object-oriented approach, and contains five hey has hierarchies. The mo
del can be specialised to meet the requirements of individual enterprises;
hence, less time and effort are involved in creating new models to satisfy
changes in enterprise requirements.