The reference list presented here is a selection of educative objectives pe
rformed by the French "College des Enseignants de Medecine Vasculaire" for
the different levels of the medical initial education course. It was produc
ed through a collective procedure, after selecting the most relevant topics
and setting up writing rules based upon docimology, and favoring practical
rather than theoretical objectives.
The main topics are peripheral obstructive arterial disease, polyatheroscle
rosis, atherosclerosis risk factors, venous thromboembolic disease, thrombo
philia, chronic venous insufficiency, lymphatic insufficiency, leg ulcers,
vascular acrosyndromes, cerebrovascular diseases and connective tissue dise
ases, vascular occupational diseases, vascular adverse effects of drugs, di
abetic vascular disease, the vascular consequences of hypertension, vascula
r malformations and angiodysplasia, inflammatory arterial diseases, and vas
cular explorations. As a whole they include about 300 objectives for the fi
ve teaching levels.
We hope that this list will help stimulate production of training courses a
nd documents strongly needed in this field.