The development of the energy/angular dispersive diffraction setup, which c
an be used for anomalous diffraction, allows the collection of diffracted i
ntensities around an absorption edge, either over a continuous energy range
[for DAFS (diffraction anomalous fine structure) studies], or at discrete
energies [for simultaneous MAD (multiwavelength anomalous diffraction) stud
ies]. Used with a large two-dimensional detector and an oscillating single
crystal, this setup allows simultaneous collection of many reflections for
a given energy range. An integration procedure has been developed along wit
h a program, DAD (dispersive anomalous diffraction), for the collection and
analysis of the raw images, to yield finally data in the form I(h, k, l, l
ambda) for all reflections. Wavelength calibration and intensity correction
s are made during the integration process, and parameters that may be neede
d in later stages of the analysis are extracted and referenced within the i
ntegrated data. A general procedure to calculate the positions of diffracte
d reflections, for a monochromatic oscillation scan with a two-dimensional
detector, when the incident beam is not perpendicular to the oscillation ax
is, is also described.