1 Mechanisms that link germination and emergence to environmental cues asso
ciated with seedling success (predictive germination) would be expected to
evolve when seedlings have a greater mortality risk than seeds, but may be
less important in perennial plants than in annual plants.
2 We investigated variation in predictive seedling emergence among divergen
t populations of a short-lived perennial desert grass, Digitaria californic
a, from sites that differed in climatic and edaphic factors. This species i
s native to environments in which the amount and duration of adequate soil
moisture may control germination and seedling establishment success.
3 We utilized a special irrigation system that permits application of a ran
ge of amounts of water within a single experiment in a glasshouse. Emergenc
e data were subjected to probit and survival analyses to describe differenc
es among the populations in response to applied water.
4 Significant variation in predictive emergence was shown to exist among po
pulations of D. californica when measured as amount of water required for 5
0% emergence following 3 days of water application, or as time required to
achieve this level of emergence. Both climatic and soil characteristics wer
e important with populations that originated from sites with less summer pr
ecipitation, and soils with higher water-holding capacity tended to have lo
wer water requirements for emergence.
5 The report demonstrates the existence of subtle variation in predictive e
mergence among populations of a perennial grass representing a relatively n
arrow range of ecological amplitude. It also establishes the usefulness of
line-source irrigation and probit analysis procedures in studying seedling
emergence behaviour.