Medicolegally investigated deaths among 34 male users of anabolic androgeni
c steroids (AAS) are described. Nine persons were victims of homicide, II h
ad committed suicide, 12 deaths were judged as accidental and 2 as indeterm
In two cases of accidental poisoning, the levels of pharmaceuticals and ill
icit: drugs were considered too low to be the sole cause of death and AAS w
as considered part of the lethal polypharmacia.
Chronic cardiac changes were observed in 12 cases. In two cases of accident
al poisonous deaths, these changes were regarded as contributory cause of d
Homicides, suicides, and poisonings determined accidental or indeterminate
in manner were related to impulsive, disinhibited behavior characterized by
violent rages, mood swings, and/or uncontrolled drug intake.
The observations in the present study indicate an increased risk of violent
death from impulsive, aggressive behavior, or depressive symptoms associat
ed with use of AAS. There are also data to support earlier reports of possi
ble lethal cardiovascular complications from use of AAS, Furthermore, a con
tributing role of AAS in lethal polypharmacia is suggested. Finally, the ob
servations indicate that use: of AAS may be the gateway of approach to abus
e of other psychotropic drugs.