Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is present in the brain and may contribute to neuro
physiologic or neuropathologic events, depending on environmental and genet
ic influences. Recent studies indicate a role for apoE in synaptic plastici
ty and maintenance of synaptic membrane symmetry, suggesting that apoE may
be involved in regulating synaptic homeostasis. In the present study, cereb
rocortical synaptosomes were prepared from transgenic mice lacking apoE (ap
oE KO) to analyze the possible contribution of apoE toward maintaining home
ostasis in synaptosomes. Synaptosomal preparations from apoE KO and wild-ty
pe mice exhibited similar basal levels of reactive oxygen species, mitochon
drial function, and caspase activity; however, following application of amy
loid beta-peptide [A beta(1-40)], apoE KO synaptosomes displayed increased
levels of oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and caspase activati
on compared with synaptosomes from wild-type mice. Synaptosomal membranes f
rom apoE KO mice were more fluid than wild-type synaptosomes and contained
higher levels of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances, consistent with e
levated levels of lipid peroxidation occurring in the synapses of apoE KO m
ice. Together, these data are consistent with a role for apoE in maintainin
g homeostasis by attenuating oxidative stress, caspase activation, and mito
chondrial homeostasis in synapses.