Barrington's nucleus (BN) has been considered a pontine center related excl
usively to the control of pelvic parasympathetic activity. The present stud
y demonstrates an anatomical linkage between BN and autonomic outflow to vi
sceral targets innervated exclusively by the sympathetic division of the au
tonomic nervous system. Temporal analysis of infection after injection of p
seudorabies virus (PRV), a retrograde transynaptic tracer, into two sympath
etically innervated organs, the spleen and the kidney, revealed the presenc
e of infected neurons in BN at early post-inoculation survival intervals. I
mmunohistochemical localization of PRV after spleen injections showed that
a small subpopulation of BN neurons became labeled in a time frame coincide
nt with the appearance of infected neurons in other brain regions known to
project to sympathetic preganglionic neurons (SPNs) in the thoracic spinal
cord; a larger number of infected neurons appeared in BN at intermediate in
tervals after PRV injections into the spleen or kidney. Coinjection of the
retrograde tracer Fluoro-Gold i.p. and PRV into the spleen demonstrated tha
t parasympathetic preganglionic neurons in the caudal medulla or lumbo-sacr
al spinal cord were not infected, indicating that infected BN neurons were
not infected via a parasympathetic route. Thus, BN neurons become infected
after PRV injections into the spleen or kidney either directly through BN p
rojections to SPNs, or secondarily via BN projections to infected pre-prega
nglionic neurons. These results demonstrate an anatomical linkage, either d
irect or indirect, between BN and sympathetic activity. Because BN receives
numerous inputs from diverse brain regions, the relation of BN with both b
ranches of the autonomic nervous system suggests that this nucleus might pl
ay a role in the integration of supraspinal inputs relevant to the central
coordination of sympathetic and parasympathetic activity. (C) 2000 Publishe
d by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.