Existing customer preference based product design models do not consider pr
oduct prices and consumer budgets. These models assume that a purchase is b
ased only on the satisfaction obtained from the product, irrespective of th
e product price and customer budget. However, when products are expensive r
elative to buyers' budgets, the effect of prices and budgets must be consid
ered in addition to customer satisfaction. Most current models, moreover, a
ssume that a low preference for one product characteristic is compensated b
y high preference for another, which may not hold for unacceptable levels o
f characteristics. For such products, we incorporate prices, budget constra
ints, and minimum acceptable thresholds in our model. To solve the model we
develop a highly accurate, robust and efficient Beam Search (BS) based heu
ristic that identifies optimal or near optimal product lines. The heuristic
is rested on 300 simulated problems and an application. It is also compare
d to a Genetic Algorithms (GA) based heuristic. We found that our heuristic
worked better than the GA heuristic in identifying optimal and near optima
l solutions quickly. We also give detailed examples that illustrate the heu
ristic and demonstrate a pricing analysis application of the model.