Time-averaged concentration profiles over bedforms, measured using acoustic
backscatter (ABS) instrumentation on a macrotidal beach at Whitsand Bay, C
ornwall, UK, were dominated by vortex-type suspension profiles. Wave height
s were typically in the range 0.25-1.0 m, with wave periods of between 5 an
d 8 s, Mean currents measured at 0.2 m above the bed were generally weak(<
0.1 m s(-1)). Near-bed concentrations were compared with two reference conc
entration (C-ref) models [Smith, J.D., McLean, S.R., 1977. Boundary layer a
djustments to topography and suspended sediment. Mem. Sec. R. Sci. Liege 11
, 123-151; Nielsen, P., 1986. Suspended sediment concentrations under waves
. Coastal Eng. 10, 23-31], The resuspension coefficient (gamma(0)) showed a
strong dependence on the maximum skin friction Shields parameter (theta').
The Smith and McLean [Smith, J.D., McLean, S.R., 1977. Boundary layer adju
stments to topography and suspended sediment. Mem, Sec. R. Sci. Liege 11, 1
23-151.] model implies that C-ref(z(0)) increases with excess skin friction
at the bed(theta'(excess)), however, field data showed no such correlation
and the inclusion of a variable gamma(0) gave poor model predictions that
tended to have C-ref(z(0)) decreasing with increasing theta'excess. Referen
ce concentrations at the bed (C-0) were determined from the time-averaged c
oncentration profiles using regression analysis. The Nielsen [Nielsen, P.,
1986. Suspended sediment concentrations under waves. Coastal Eng. 10, 23-31
.] model predicts that Co increases rapidly with the modified skin friction
Shields parameter (8,), however, extrapolated values of C-0 showed no depe
ndence on theta(r). In addition, model predictions were orders of magnitude
higher than extrapolated values of C-0. The influence of the bedforms on t
he magnitude of near-bed concentration measurements has been examined. We c
onclude that the observed variations in C-ref over different bedforms (vort
ex ripples, lunate ripples, lunate mega-ripples) will need to be taken into
account if model predictions of C-ref, as a function of the skin friction
Shields parameter, are to improve. The mixing height (L) predictions of the
Nielsen [Nielsen, P., 1992. Combined convection-diffusion modelling of sed
iment entrainment. Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Coastal Engineering, Venice, 4-9
Oct. 1992, pp. 3202-3215.] and the Vincent and Osborne [Vincent, C.E,, Osb
orne, P.D., 1995. Predicting suspended sand concentration profiles on a mac
rotidal beach. Cent. Shelf Res. 15, 1497-1514.] models have been compared w
ith measured data. Although the predictions of both models were typically w
ithin a factor of two of L measurements, the Vincent and Osborne [Vincent,
C.E., Osborne, P.D., 1995. Predicting suspended sand:concentration profiles
on a macrotidal beach. Cent. Shelf Res. 15, 1497-1514.] model is believed
to be more appropriate for modelling L over bedforms; as field data showed
a strong dependence of L on theta', and model predictions do not rely on be
dform data. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.